Bingham Falls

Bingham Falls in Stowe Vermont is a short 15 minute hike and well worth the stop. The hike is located off Route 108 about 6 miles from the junction of Route 100 in the Stowe town center. The trailhead is not easily seen from the road but there are two large turnouts (one on each side of the road) for parking, so look for those. The trailhead is located on the right side of the road if you are heading north on Route 108 towards Smugglers Notch State Park and away from Stowe. The trailhead sign is set back from the parking area in the woods and you can also easily hear the river from the road. The first half of the trail is an easy walk through the forest to the West Branch Little River, but the second half is a very steep hike down to the waterfall. Easy going down, but hard going back up! There are nice stone steps built into the trail though, so it makes it a little easier. It was raining off an on when I was there so the rocks were wet, but weren’t that slippery.
Happy Hiking!
Jen {July 2013}