Grafton Notch State Park

It’s not easy to drive across northern New England; there’s no highway that you can drive 70mph on and get quickly from Maine to Vermont, instead you have to drive the winding backroads of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont to get to where you want to go; but I love it. One route that I drive often is Route 2. I love taking a leisurely drive through the back roads and exploring the quaint towns of small town America. Antiquing and book shopping are some of my favorite places to stop, but I also love the outdoors and finding beautiful scenic spots. Just off of Route 2, 12 miles down Route 26 is Grafton Notch State Park; the gorgeous waterfall, Screw Auger Falls, located right off the road, is a must see. It is extremely scenic and with a little walk along the top of the gorge you get a spectacular view of the falls. I’ve stopped here many times, although I’ve never hiked any of the numerous trails in the park. On hot days the pools at the top of the fall are filled with visitors cooling off.
Make sure to stop at the Puzzle Mountain roadside bakery stand. I had the most amazing whoopie pie!!